Public Engagement Schedule
The Municipal District of St. Stephen is creating a new Municipal Plan and Zoning By-law. The plan will now include all rural and urban areas of the new municipality. Public feedback is a crucial part of any planning process and we hope you will fill out the survey below but also join municipal officials and planning staff at a public consultation session:
November 12th, 2024, at 6 p.m.
Old Ridge Hall (8993 Route 3) Ward 1
November 13th, 2024, at 6 p.m.
Oak Bay Memorial Hall (611 Route 170) Ward 3
November 28th, 2024, at 6 p.m.
Garcelon Civic Center, (22 Budd Ave.) Ward 2
November 28th, 2024, at 12 p.m.
Zoom meeting. Visit website for online meeting registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_2Ndf3Vw_Sh6Z19twwbCDzg
Which Ward do you live inside in the Municipal District of St. Stephen?
Not sure? See Searchable Map *
What best describes you? *
Select all that apply.
Your age category: *
Optional: Would you be willing to participate in a follow-up interview, if selected?
Community Priorities for the Municipal District of St. Stephen
This survey feedback will help shape the Municipal District of St. Stephen's Municipal Plan. Rank the importance of each priority from 1-10. Give "1" star to the least important and "10" stars to the most important, in your view.
Support the Province with alleviating homelessness
Affordable rental apartments
Affordable housing for purchase
Permit more housing types (e.g. mini-homes, garage conversions to accessory dwelling units)
Environment & Climate Change
Prepare infrastructure for climate change & extreme weather
Drinking water sources and the municipal water system
Wildlife habitats and natural areas for conservation or hunting purposes
The natural corridors along the St. Croix River & Oak Bay
Local Streets & Infrastructure
Resurface and improve local streets and sidewalks
Reducing speeding on residential streets
Support more transportation types (taxis, ride shares, dial-a-ride, etc.)
Strategy for St. Stephen's municipal airport
Economic Development
Keep the cost of municipal services as low as possible (e.g. property tax rate, fees, charges)
Grow population of young families and welcome new residents
Improve the attractiveness of downtown for new development
Support small business development
New large retailers or national grocery chains
New industrial development and major employers
Tourism Development
Major hotel development
Camps, glamping, R.V. parks, and other short-term rentals
Farming & Rural Resources
Farming and promotion of local agricultural products
Private woodlot management and promotion of local wood products
Regulation of gravel pits and quarries so that they develop in appropriate locations
Local History
Museum development or renewal (e.g. World's Oldest Basketball Court, Chocolate Museum, and Charlotte County Museum)
Historic buildings, covered bridges, and archeological sites
Year-round events and things to do for all-ages
Library's facilities
Recreation facilities, parks, and programs
Walking and cycling trails
Off-road trail development for ATVs, snowmobiles, and motocross in rural areas
By-law Enforcement
Property by-law enforcement
Long-form Questionnaire